Valentina Moro is assistant professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University. Valentina Moro obtained her PhD in philosophy at the University of Padua (Italy) in 2018 and has then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Naples), the Center for Advanced Studies for South-East Europe (Rijeka), the University of Verona (Italy), and DePaul University (Chicago).
Her research intersects feminist philosophy, political theory, and classical antiquity (with a particular interest in ancient Greek tragedy). Among her recent publications: V. Moro, Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell’agonismo tragico (ETS, 2023) and E. C. Mason, V. Moro (eds.), Judith Butler and Marxism: The Radical Feminism of Performativity, Vulnerability, and Care (Rowman&Littlefield, 2025). In 2023 she was awarded the “Kyoo Lee” Prize for the best paper on LGBTQ issues in philosophy at the annual conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. She is a member of several societies, including the Society for Women in Philosophy.

About the Research Project
My three-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project “Choreographies of Vulnerability: Towards a New Public Ethics of Care” (ChoreoCare), funded by the European Commission under thegrant agreement no. 101029336, aims at investigating the possibility of a politics of care based, on the one hand, on the demand for institutionally recognized social infrastructures of care, and, on the other hand, on collective practices – that I call choreographies of vulnerability – able to transform the socio-political context. For a politics of care to be truly inaugural, it must foster narrations and performances that operate at the intersection with the social infrastructures of care, thus transforming the socio-political context in which it acts.